Tuition Classes
We believe that education can change lives and break cycles of systemic poverty. Children will usually succeed in their High School studies if they have a solid foundation in maths and literacy established while they are in primary school. To this end HOHI supports many tuition classes for primary school children from disadvantaged backgrounds. These classes are taught after school by trained teachers, 3 afternoons per week, for 1.5 hours per class. Students are assessed and their progress is monitored. We are very encouraged by the results.
Computer Schools
In an increasingly competitive technological world, we seek to equip children from disadvantaged backgrounds with effective computer skills. HOHI funds the set up and ongoing support for many computer schools targeting primary school pupils, and these classes are held after school, 3 afternoons a week. Trained teachers take the children through a curriculum that ensures they have basic computer skill competencies that prepares them for High School.